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1. Explore the map as much as you can at the beginning of the game

2 .The more villagers you have the more resources will be

3 Attack in a large group of armies. Don't use computer dumb-strategy by keep attacking with a small amount of armies.

4. Houses is quite important so beware of them. we don't like the alert of "build more houses" so build them in advance.

5. If possible build wall to protect your home base. prevent all enemies from the outlay of you home base.

6&7 by KH_Stranger:

6. It's not enough to just have resources you should always try to keep the amount of resources you have as close to zero as possible, resources "in the bank" are wasted.

7. The most important thing is to always have all of your TC's either producing villagers or upgrading until you have at least 100 villagers.

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